Only pay when you send

Campaign fee


+ 0.05 per recipient

No monthly fees and no hidden fees.

For each campaign you send with more than 5 recipients, you pay a flat delivery fee of NZD $15 plus 5 cents per recipient. Any campaigns you send to 5 or less people are free of charge.

Let's say you're sending an email newsletter to a database of 1000 subscribers. To send this newsletter, you will be charged $15 plus 5 cents for each recipient, $50 in this case, making a total of $65.

(All prices are in NZ dollars and are GST exclusive).

Account set up



We set up your account and give you some initial training and assistance via email or phone to make sure you are comfortable with the system. This includes helping you load your email databases and advice on how best to structure your campaigns. This is a once only cost.

Template design



You get a custom designed email template ready to go on MagicMail. Our world-class designers will turn out a branded email that you are sure to love. $450 +gst per each template.